Implementer's Guide to SOCKS

Yesterday I was verifying that the SOCKS test suite of Tholian Stealth is working and I realized that writing failsafe tests are not as easy as someone might think. So here's my write-up about the SOCKS protocol.

The problem with SOCKS in a nutshell is that it is not as well documented as someone might think.

Most people are even unaware of the role that a SOCKS proxy plays in between network connections and therefore don't know what exactly a SOCKS proxy can or cannot do in regards to blocking ads and malicious domains.

So I thought that a reference-class article for SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 would be nice, documenting its quirks and common pitfalls while implementing those protocols.

For the implementation we're going to build in this article, we only need plain node.js and its net core stack. The implementation will be peer-to-peer, which means it can be used for both the client-side and server-side whereas both sides are implemented in node.js for the sake of simplicity.


First off, you have to know that the SOCKS protocol is specified as RFC1928 and RFC1929 and didn't change since 1996 so it's somewhat safe to assume that this is the final version of the network protocol.

The SOCKS protocol in general and its role is pretty much what telephone operators did in the past. A client connects to the SOCKS proxy and requests to connect to a specific target. The proxy tries to connect to the target, and if it succeeds reaches through the connection to the client.

Client: Please let me connect to IP
Proxy:  Trying to connect... please hold the line ...
Proxy:  Here's the connection handle, any further data will be dispatched through automatically.
Client: Please let me connect to IP
Proxy:  Trying to connect... please hold the line ...
Proxy:  Sorry, the given target is not reachable. Please try again later.
Proxy:  *hangs off the phone* Beep Beep Beep.

As both SOCKS4 and SOCKS4a were proprietary protocols, they didn't have any RFC. SOCKS5 is referring a lot the SOCKS4 protocol and its featureset, so reading the RFC is quite complicated if you don't know what the older protocol versions actually did feature-wise.

Usually though, most clients and servers that claim to support SOCKS5 actually only support the user and password authentication, not the IPv6 or DNS/UDP related features that come with it.

This implementation will focus mostly on the IPv4 and IPv6 differences and will - for the sake of simplicity - only support TCP based connections.

The SOCKS4 featureset :

  • connects to IPv4 (TCP)

The SOCKS4a featureset :

  • connects to IPv4 (TCP)
  • connects to domain (TCP)
  • authentication via user is broken in practice (no password)

The SOCKS5 featureset :

  • connects to IPv4 (TCP and UDP)
  • connects to IPv6 (TCP and UDP)
  • connects to domain (TCP)
  • authentication via user and password

SOCKS Protocol and Network States

Describing SOCKS data frames can be kind of complicated, because the interpretation of a SOCKS frame is different depending on its network state. So I'm trying to document the different network states first, so that you know what kind of states on both sides are possible.

We are also going to completely ignore the SOCKS authentication methods , because they are broken across every single Browser; and implemented in specification violating non-secure non-encrypted manners across every piece of source code I've come across.

SOCKS Version 4

The SOCKS Version 4 network flow looks like this :

  • Client sends Connection Request Frame
  • Server responds with a Status Frame

... and that's pretty much it. Super simple.

SOCKS Version 4 Connection Request Frame :

     1         1         2              4           variable       1
  • VERSION (1 byte) represents the SOCKS version , which can be either of 0x04 or 0x05 .
  • COMMAND (1 byte) represents the SOCKS command , which can be either of the Commands explained below.
  • DSTPORT (2 bytes) represents the destination port from 1 to 65535 .
  • DSTIP is an IPv4 (4 bytes) represents the destination IP, and encodes 4 digits as 0x00 to 0xFF respectively.
  • USERID (variable byte length, followed by a NULL terminator byte) represents an authentication mechanism for a user-login; but without a password.

SOCKS Version 4 Commands :

  • 0x01 represents CONNECT and is a TCP/IP connection request which lets the Server established the connection.
  • 0x02 represents BIND and is a TCP/IP port binding to allow the Client to establish the connection themselves.

SOCKS Version 4 Connection Status Frame :

| VERSION | STATUS | DSTPORT |      DSTIP        |
     1         1        2              4
  • VERSION (1 byte) represents the SOCKS version , which can be either of 0x04 or 0x05 .
  • STATUS (1 byte) represents the SOCKS status , which can be either of the Status explained below.
  • DSTPORT (2 bytes) represents the destination port from 1 to 65535 .
  • DSTIP is an IPv4 (4 bytes) represents the destination IP, and encodes 4 digits as 0x00 to 0xFF respectively.

SOCKS Version 4 Status Codes :

  • 0x5A Request granted.
  • 0x5B Request rejected or failed.

SOCKS Version 4 Status Codes for Authentication Mechanism :

(I would not recommend to implement them)

  • 0x5C Request failed because Client's identd is not reachable from server.
  • 0x5D Request failed because Client's identd could not confirm the User ID.

SOCKS Version 5

Important : The SOCKS Version 5 protocol is different in its network flow and data frame structure; and it has a reserved byte with a 0x00 value where the SOCKS Version 4 protocol would otherwise expect a non-NULL byte data.

Additionally, the order of Destination Port and Destination Address is different from the order specified in SOCKS Version 4.

The SOCKS Version 5 network flow looks like this :

  1. Client and Server authenticate via handshake mechanism.
  2. Server authenticates or responds with error message.
  3. Client requests to connect or bind to an IPv4, IPv6 or domain.
  4. Server responds with connection status.

SOCKS Version 5 Handshake Request Frame :

     1         2      variable

SOCKS Version 5 Handshake Response Frame :

     1         1
  • VERSION (1 byte) represents the SOCKS version , which is 0x05 .
  • NMETHODS (1 byte) represents the byte length of the following encoded METHOD s.
  • METHODS (variable byte length) represents the encoded SOCKS methods.

SOCKS Version 5 Handshake Methods :

  • 0x00 represents No Authentication required.
  • 0x01 represents GSSAPI which is a "secure" context as defined per RFC1961 .
  • 0x02 represents username/password plaintext authentication.
  • 0x80 to 0xFE are reserved for private methods, but are never used in practice.
  • 0xFF represents No Acceptable methods (in a response).

SOCKS Version 5 Connection Request :

After the Client and Server have negotiated an Authentication Method, the Client sends a Connection Request Frame to the Server.

     1         1       1      1    variable     2
  • VERSION (1 byte) represents the SOCKS version , which is 0x05 .
  • COMMAND (1 byte) represents either of the Commands explained below.
  • RSV (1 byte) represents the reserved byte which has to be 0x00 (to be able to differ it from a SOCKS Version 4 Connection Request).
  • ATYP (1 byte) represents the address type, which can be either of 0x01 (IPv4 address), 0x03 (domain name), 0x04 (IPv6 address).
  • DSTADDR (variable) represents the destination address as an IPv4 (in 4 octets), the domain name (with a prefixed byte length), or an IPv6 (in 16 octets).
  • DSTPORT (2 bytes) represents the destination port from 0x01 ( 1 ) to 0xFF ( 65535 ).

SOCKS Version 5 Commands :

  • 0x01 represents CONNECT and is a TCP/IP connection request which lets the Server established the connection and forward further packets.
  • 0x02 represents BIND and is a TCP/IP port binding to allow the Client to establish the connection themselves.
  • 0x03 represents UDP ASSOCIATE and is a UDP associate request which lets the Server establish the connection and forward further packets.

SOCKS Version 5 Connection Status Frame :

After the Client has sent the Connection Request frame, the Server responds with a Connection Status Frame.

     1        1      1      1    variable     2
  • VERSION (1 byte) represents the SOCKS version , which is 0x05 .
  • REPLY (1 byte) represents the reply message to the requested command and is either of the Replies explained below.
  • RSV (1 byte) represents the reserved byte which has to be 0x00 (to be able to differ it from a SOCKS Version 4 Connection Request).
  • ATYP (1 byte) represents the address type, which can be either of 0x01 (IPv4 address), 0x03 (domain name), 0x04 (IPv6 address).
  • BNDADDR (variable) represents the server-bound destination address as an IPv4 (in 4 octets), the domain name (with a prefixed byte length), or an IPv6 (in 16 octets).
  • BNDPORT (2 bytes) represents the server-bound destination port from 0x01 ( 1 ) to 0xFF ( 65535 ).

SOCKS Version 5 Replies :

  • 0x00 Success
  • 0x01 General SOCKS Failure
  • 0x02 Connection Not Allowed
  • 0x03 Network Unreachable
  • 0x04 Host Unreachable
  • 0x05 Connection Refused
  • 0x06 TTL (Time To Live) Expired
  • 0x07 Command Not Supported
  • 0x08 Address Type Not Supported

SOCKS Client

The demo will be implemented using modern node.js.

The client has to be implemented with the net.createConnection() interface, as the data that we need to access is raw TCP data and our library needs to support binary encodings.

As node.js runs libuv in the background, which is of asynchronous nature, we also have to make sure that everything gets send as soon as possible by calling socket.setNoDelay(true) .

// client.mjs
import net       from 'net';
import { SOCKS } from './SOCKS.mjs';

// Chapter: SOCKS Client
let client = new net.createConnection({
	host: 'localhost',
	port: 1080
}, () => {

	let handshake = {
		headers: {
			'auth': [ 'none' ]

	// Chapter: Handshake Request
	console.log('Send Handshake Request', handshake);
	SOCKS.send(client, handshake);


client.once('data', (response) => {

	client.allowHalfOpen = false;
	client.setKeepAlive(true, 0);


	// Chapter: Handshake Response
	SOCKS.receive(client, response, (data) => {

		console.log('Receive Handshake Response', data);

		if (data.headers['@version'] === 0x05 && data.headers['auth'] === 'none') {

			// Chapter: Connection Status
			client.once('data', (status) => {

				SOCKS.receive(client, status, (data) => {

					console.log('Receive Connection Status', data);

					if (data.headers['@status'] === 'success') {
						console.log('Client would be ready to do a HTTP request to ' + + ':' + data.payload.port + ' now.');
						// TODO: client.write(HTTP_REQUEST);
					} else {
						console.error('Server responded with an Error: ' + data.headers['@status']);



			setTimeout(() => {

				let request = {
					headers: {
						'@method': 'connect'
					payload: {
						domain: '',
						port:   80 // HTTP

				// Chapter: Connection Request
				console.log('Send Connection Request', request);
				SOCKS.send(client, request);

			}, 1000);

		} else {




client.on('error',   () => {});
client.on('close',   () => {});
client.on('timeout', () => client.destroy());

Handshake Request and Response

The initial Handshake Request that is done from the Client in order to find out what kinds of auth methods the Server supports.

In the following example, we'll emulate a simple SOCKS Version 5 Client to explain the previous example of the Client in more detail :

// client-manual.mjs
import net from 'net';

	0x05, // SOCKS version
	0x02, // 2 Auth Methods are supported
	0x00, // methods[0]: No Authentication Required
	0x02  // methods[1]: Username/Password

	host: '',
	port: 1080
}, () => {

	socket.once('data', (response) => {

		console.log('Handshake Response Frame', response);
		console.log('Server\'s SOCKS version (should be 0x05):', response[0]);
		console.log('Server\'s selected Auth Method (should be 0x00):', response[1]);

		// Chapter: Connection Request




Connection Request and Status

A SOCKS Server should be able to handle both connect and bind requests for IPv4 addresses, requested domain s, and IPv6 addresses.

The Connection Request is sent by the Client after the Authentication Method was completed, which means that for _all_ Connection Requests there is an Handshake Request and Response Frame that preceeds it; as there are no reusable Sessions in SOCKS and sockets cannot be reused.

// client-manual.mjs
import net from 'net';

	0x05, // SOCKS version
	0x02, // 2 Auth Methods are supported
	0x00, // methods[0]: No Authentication Required
	0x02  // methods[1]: Username/Password


	0x05, // SOCKS version
	0x01, // CONNECT Command
	0x00, // Reserved (due to SOCKS4 compatibility)
	0x01, // IPv4 Address Type

	0x01, //

	80    // HTTP


let client = net.createConnection({
	host: '',
	port: 1080
}, () => {

	client.once('data', (response) => {

		console.log('Handshake Response Frame', response);

		if (response[0] === 0x05 && response[1] === 0x00) {

			client.once('data', (status) => {
				console.log('Connection Status Frame', status);






Receiving SOCKS Frames

The integration of a receiving method for our SOCKS library is quite easy.

// SOCKS.mjs
SOCKS.receive = (socket, buffer, callback) => {

	buffer   = buffer instanceof Buffer     ? buffer   : null;
	callback = callback instanceof Function ? callback : null;

	if (buffer !== null) {

		let data = decode(socket, buffer);
		if (data !== null) {

			if (callback !== null) {

			return data;


	} else {

		if (callback !== null) {
		} else {
			return null;



Decoding Logic

The Decoding Logic is a bit more complex, as it has to respect the following states :

  • Server : If buffer.length is greater than 3 , it is a connect or bind Connection Request.
  • Server : If buffer.length is 3 , it is a Handshake Request with a single Authentication Method (which is what all Web Browsers use).
  • Server If a Client sends more than a single authentication method, we won't support it.
  • Client : If buffer.length is 2 , it is a Handshake Response.
  • Client : If buffer.length is greater than 2 , it is a Connection Status Response.
// Chapter: Decoding Logic
const decode = function(socket, buffer) {

	let chunk = {
		headers: {},
		payload: null

	if (buffer[0] === 0x05) {
		chunk.headers['@version'] = 5;
	} else if (buffer[0] === 0x04) {
		chunk.headers['@version'] = 4;

	let is_server = socket._is_server === true;
	if (is_server === true) {

		// TODO: Support multiple Authentication Methods (buffer.length >= 3)
		if (buffer.length === 3) {

			let length  = buffer[1];
			let methods = buffer.slice(2, 2 + length);

			if (methods.length === length) {

				chunk.headers['auth'] = Array.from(methods).map((v) => {

					if (v === 0x00) {
						return 'none';
					} else if (v === 0x02) {
						return 'login';
					} else if (v === 0xff) {
						return 'error';

					return null;

				}).filter((method) => method !== null);


		} else if (buffer.length > 3) {

			let method = buffer[1];
			if (method === 0x01) {
				chunk.headers['@method'] = 'connect';
			} else if (method === 0x02) {
				chunk.headers['@method'] = 'bind';

			let payload = decode_payload(buffer.slice(3));
			if (payload !== null) {
				chunk.payload = payload;


	} else {

		if (buffer.length === 2) {

			let auth = buffer[1];
			if (auth === 0x00) {
				chunk.headers['auth'] = 'none';
			} else if (auth === 0x02) {
				chunk.headers['auth'] = 'login';
			} else if (auth === 0xff) {
				chunk.headers['auth'] = 'error';

		} else if (buffer.length > 2) {

			let reply = buffer[1];
			if (reply === 0x00) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'success';
			} else if (reply === 0x01) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error';
			} else if (reply === 0x02) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error-blocked';
			} else if (reply === 0x03) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error-network';
			} else if (reply === 0x04) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error-host';
			} else if (reply === 0x05) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error-connection';
			} else if (reply === 0x07) {
				chunk.headers['@status'] = 'error-method';

			if (buffer.length > 3) {

				let payload = decode_payload(buffer.slice(3));
				if (payload !== null) {
					chunk.payload = payload;




	return chunk;


const decode_payload = function(buffer) {

	let payload = null;

	let type = buffer[0];
	if (type === 0x01) {

		// Chapter: IPv4 Payload
		// 0x01: IPv4 Payload

	} else if (type === 0x03) {

		// Chapter: Domain Payload
		// 0x03: Domain Payload

	} else if (type === 0x04) {

		// Chapter: IPv6 Payload
		// 0x04: IPv4 Payload


	return payload;


Decoding 0x01 : IPv4 Payload

The IPv4 Payload is sent to communicate that the Client wants to connect or bind to a specific IP and a specific Port.

The encoded format of an IPv4 Payload is :

  • 4 bytes for the IP.
  • 2 bytes for the Port.
// SOCKS.mjs in decode_payload()

if (type === 0x01) {

	// 0x01: IPv4 Payload

	let raw_host = buffer.slice(1, 5);
	let raw_port = buffer.slice(5, 7);

	if (raw_host.length === 4 && raw_port.length === 2) {

		let ip = [
		let port = (raw_port[0] << 8) + (raw_port[1] & 0xff);

		if (port > 0 && port < 65535) {
			payload = ip + ':' + port;



Decoding 0x03 : Domain Payload

The Domain Payload is sent to communicate that the Client wants to connect or bind to a specific domain (that the Server or Proxy has to resolve first) and a specific Port.

In this case, the Server has to respond with a valid IP. If the IP response is , the Client must handle this as an unsuccessful Connection Request.

The encoded format of a Domain Payload is :

  • 1 byte for the length of the Domain.
  • n bytes for the Domain, encoded as a utf8 string.
  • 2 bytes for the Port.
// SOCKS.mjs in decode_payload()

if (type === 0x03) {

	// 0x03: Domain Payload

	let length     = buffer[1];
	let raw_domain = buffer.slice(2, 2 + length);
	let raw_port   = buffer.slice(2 + length, 2 + length + 2);

	if (raw_domain.length > 0 && raw_port.length === 2) {

		let domain = Buffer.from(raw_domain).toString('utf8');
		let port   = (raw_port[0] << 8) + (raw_port[1] & 0xff);
		if (domain.length > 0 && port > 0 && port < 65535) {
			payload = domain + ':' + port;



Decoding 0x04 : IPv6 Payload

The IPv6 Payload is sent to communicate that the Client wants to connect or bind to a specific IP and a specific Port.

The encoded format of an IPv6 Payload is :

  • 8 bytes for the IP.
  • 2 bytes for the Port.
// SOCKS.mjs in decode_payload()

if (type === 0x04) {

	let raw_host = buffer.slice(1, 17);
	let raw_port = buffer.slice(17, 19);

	if (raw_host.length === 16 && raw_port.length === 2) {

		let ip = [
			raw_host.slice( 0,  2).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice( 2,  4).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice( 4,  6).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice( 6,  8).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice( 8, 10).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice(10, 12).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice(12, 14).toString('hex'),
			raw_host.slice(14, 16).toString('hex')
		let port = (raw_port[0] << 8) + (raw_port[1] & 0xff);

		if (port > 0 && port < 65535) {
			payload = '[' + ip + ']:' + port;



Sending SOCKS Frames

The integration of a sending method for our SOCKS library is quite easy.

// SOCKS.mjs
SOCKS.send = (socket, data) => {

	data = data instanceof Object ? data : { headers: {}, payload: null };

	let buffer = encode(socket, data);
	if (buffer !== null) {


Encoding Logic

The Encoding Logic is a bit more complex, as it has to respect the following states :

  • Server : If headers['@version'] is set to 0x05 or 0x04 , set the SOCKS protocol version.
  • Server : If headers['auth'] is either none or login , transmit a Handshake Response Frame.
  • Server : If headers['@status'] is set, transmit a Connection Status Frame.
  • Client : If headers['auth'] is an Array , transmit a Handshake Request Frame.
  • Client : If headers['@method'] is set, transmit a Connection Request Frame.
// Chapter: Encoding Logic
const encode = function(socket, data) {

	data = data instanceof Object ? data : { headers: {}, payload: null };

	if ((data.headers instanceof Object) === false) {
		data.headers = {};

	let blob = [ 0x05 ];

	if (data.headers['@version'] === 5) {
		blob[0] = 0x05;
	} else if (data.headers['@version'] === 4) {
		blob[0] = 0x04;

	let is_server = socket._is_server === true;
	if (is_server === true) {

		if (typeof data.headers['auth'] === 'string') {

			if (data.headers['auth'] === 'none') {
				blob[1] = 0x00;
			} else if (data.headers['auth'] === 'login') {
				blob[1] = 0x02;
			} else {
				blob[1] = 0xff;

		} else if (typeof data.headers['@status'] === 'string') {

			if (data.headers['@status'] === 'success') {
				blob[1] = 0x00;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error-blocked') {
				blob[1] = 0x02;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error-network') {
				blob[1] = 0x03;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error-host') {
				blob[1] = 0x04;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error-connection') {
				blob[1] = 0x05;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error-method') {
				blob[1] = 0x07;
			} else if (data.headers['@status'] === 'error') {
				blob[1] = 0x01;

			blob[2] = 0x00;

			let payload = encode_payload(data.payload);
			if (payload !== null) {
				payload.forEach((v) => {


	} else {

		if ((data.headers['auth'] instanceof Array) === true) {

			let methods = data.headers['auth'].map((v) => {

				if (v === 'none') {
					return 0x00;
				} else if (v === 'login') {
					return 0x02;

				return null;

			}).filter((method) => method !== null);
			let length = methods.length;

			blob[1] = length;
			methods.forEach((v) => {

		} else if (data.headers['@method'] === 'connect') {

			blob[1] = 0x01;
			blob[2] = 0x00;

			let payload = encode_payload(data.payload);
			if (payload !== null) {
				payload.forEach((v) => {



	if (blob.length > 1) {
		return Buffer.from(blob);

	return null;


Encoding 0x01 Domain Payload, 0x04 : IPv6 Payload

The decoding logic has been explained already in the previous chapters, so it should be quite easy for you to handle the encoding of the payloads and possible to write the encode_payload method yourself.

The method should handle two different scenarios :

  • Encode a {host,port} Payload Object.
  • Encode a {domain,port} Payload Object.

In any Error Case, a Payload representing the IPv4 and the Port 0 should be returned.

SOCKS Server

The SOCKS Server is responsible for a lot of things, as it has to handle the Handshake Requests and the Connection Requests without a Session.

This means that for the Server has support the following states :

  • Handshake Request with the none Authentication Method.
  • Connection Request for the IPv4 Payload.
  • Connection Request for the Domain Payload.
  • Connection Request for the IPv6 Payload.
  • The Connection Request's connect Method.
  • Unsupported : Handshake Request with the auth Authentication Method is currently unsupported (as it's unsecure as already explained).
  • Unsupported : The Connection Request's bind Method. It seems to be not used in the wild by any Web Browser anyways.
// server.mjs

import dns from 'dns';
import net from 'net';

import { SOCKS } from './SOCKS.mjs';

// Chapter: SOCKS Server
let server = new net.Server({
	allowHalfOpen:  true,
	pauseOnConnect: true

server.on('connection', (socket) => {

	socket._is_server = true;

	socket.allowHalfOpen = true;
	socket.setKeepAlive(true, 0);

	socket.once('data', (request) => {

		if (request[0] === 0x05) {

			SOCKS.receive(socket, request, (data) => {

				console.log('Receive Handshake Request', data);

				if (
					data.headers['@version'] === 5
					&& data.headers['auth'].includes('none')
				) {


					socket.once('data', (request) => {

						SOCKS.receive(socket, request, (data) => {

							console.log('Receive Connection Request', data);

							// Chapter: Connection Status
							if (
								data.headers['@version'] === 5
								&& data.headers['@method'] === 'connect'
							) {

								// Chapter: Handling Host Connections
								// Chapter: Handling Domain Connections

							} else {



					setTimeout(() => {

						SOCKS.send(socket, {
							headers: {
								'@version': 5,
								'auth':     'none'
							payload: null

					}, 0);

				} else {


		} else {




server.on('error', () => server.close());
server.on('close', () => (server = null));

server.listen(1080, null);

Connection Status

The Connection Status Frame is sent by the SOCKS Server to the Client after the Server connected to (or tried to connect to) the requested Host or Domain.

Handling Host Connections

A Connection Request for a Host is quite easy to create, as it requires only a simple TCP-based Network Tunnel. The Server creates a TCP Socket to the Target Host and dispatches it through to the Client. Further Data sent by the Client will then just be delegated to the Target Host.

// server.mjs
// (somewhere down the network event flow)

// (...)
console.log('Receive Connection Request', data);

// Chapter: Connection Status
if (
	data.headers['@version'] === 5
	&& data.headers['@method'] === 'connect'
) {

	let host   =   || null;
	let domain = data.payload.domain || null;
	let port   = data.payload.port   || null;

	if (host !== null && port !== null) {

		let tunnel = null;

		try {
			tunnel = net.connect({
				host: host,
				port: port
			}, () => {


				let status = {
					headers: {
						'@version': 5,
						'@status':  'success'
					payload: {
						host: host,
						port: port

				console.log('Send Connection Status', status);
				SOCKS.send(socket, status);

		} catch (err) {
			tunnel = null;

		if (tunnel === null) {
			SOCKS.send(socket, {
				headers: {
					'@version': 5,
					'@status':  'error-network'
				payload: null

	} else if (domain !== null && port !== null) {

		// Chapter: Handling Domain Connections

	} else {
		// (...)

Handling Domain Connections

A Connection Request for a Domain requires a dns.resolve4() or dns.resolve6() call before, and on successfully resolved A or AAAA domain entries a connection to those addresses.

In theory, failed connections to the specific addresses should gracefully try out all other entries if there are multiple available; but in practice no SOCKS Proxy supports that. I'll leave that up to the reader to implement it, as it requires a timeout loop that gradually checks for network timeouts and failure scenarios of the net.connect() API in node.js, which is rather unclean to implement for demo purposes.

Afterwards, the same Network Flow happens as in the Handling Host Connections example, where the Tunnel is piped through to the Client and further Data received is delegated to the Target Host.

// server.mjs
// (somewhere down the network event flow)

// (...)
console.log('Receive Connection Request', data);

// Chapter: Connection Status
if (
	data.headers['@version'] === 5
	&& data.headers['@method'] === 'connect'
) {

	let host   =   || null;
	let domain = data.payload.domain || null;
	let port   = data.payload.port   || null;

	if (host !== null && port !== null) {

		// Chapter: Handling Host Connections

	} else if (domain !== null && port !== null) {

		// TODO: Integrate IPv6 support
		dns.resolve4(domain, (err, addresses) => {

			if (err === null) {

				// TODO: Integrate timeout loop for addresses
				if (addresses.length > 0) {

					let tunnel = null;

					try {

						tunnel = net.connect({
							host: addresses[0],
							port: port
						}, () => {


							let status = {
								headers: {
									'@version': 5,
									'@status':  'success'
								payload: {
									host: addresses[0],
									port: port

							console.log('Send Connection Status', status);
							SOCKS.send(socket, status);


					} catch (err) {
						tunnel = null;

					if (tunnel === null) {
						SOCKS.send(socket, {
							headers: {
								'@version': 5,
								'@status':  'error-network'
							payload: null

				} else {
					SOCKS.send(socket, {
						headers: {
							'@version': 5,
							'@status':  'error-network'
						payload: null

			} else {
				SOCKS.send(socket, {
					headers: {
						'@version': 5,
						'@status':  'error-network'
					payload: null


	} else {
		// (...)


Reference Implementation

That's it. Our implementation is now fully peer-to-peer ready and supports the complete SOCKS5 protocol.

In case you missed something in between the lines or made a mistake, there's a reference implementation available.