Linux Assembly Part 1: Syscalls

This is my attempt at writing down my personal notes in the form of a tutorial. The tutorial for now wants to go deeper into the topics of binary exploitation techniques, and also describe how EDR evasion techniques work behind the scenes.

Most of these topics, however, require a fundemental understanding of assembly and shellcoding. That is why we are going to learn about assembly first, before we can continue to new realms of malware development techniques.

I chose to use nasm as an assembler here for the sake of ease of use, and my my goal is to move towards go as a high level programming language to write and backport binary exploitation code, so that you can learn why most APTs have moved towards go and c# as a programming language.

This way you or an older fool like me can take a look at this article and use it as a reference guide on how to relearn things again in case I forget about them.

Requirements and Tools

  • Install the gcc compiler toolchain
  • Install the go compiler toolchain
  • Install the nasm assembler
sudo pacman -S gcc go nasm;

Hello World in C

In order to understand how a program is structured in asm we first need to understand how a typical program looks like when we write it in C .

The best example is a simple program that outputs Hello World and uses printf() behind the scenes.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
	printf("Hello, World!");
	return 0;

If we compile the program with gcc and execute it, it will print out our Hello, World! message :

gcc -o main.bin main.c;

chmod +x ./main.bin;

Binary Formats

In order to understand how we can get from high-level programming language code like C to our low-level programming language asm , we need to first understand what binary formats are.

What's important is that there are different sections inside each program, and they vary depending on the targeted binary format and whether or not they are a shared library that contains reusable functions for other programs.

The most common binary formats are :

  • COFF the common object file format for Unices (but meanwhile is used in malware for sideloading)
  • ELF the executable and linkable format for GNU/Linux
  • Mach-O the mach object format for Darwin, MacOS, and MacOSX
  • MZ the format for MS-DOS, which meanwhile is somewhat migrated to PE
  • PE the portable executable format for Windows
  • PE32+ the ironically 64bit-targeting portable executable format for Windows
  • PRG the program format for the C64 (yeah I'm that old)

The PE format is a little different here because Microsoft tried to reuse the same PE format for compatibility reasons over the years, which means that newer programs usually have to contain a special header to let the kernel and the users know that it cannot be run in MS-DOS mode or inside the cmd.exe environment directly. We're going to learn about the quirks of PE later in this article series.

Wikipedia has a really nice Comparison of Executable File Formats article that I recommend you to check out.

Anatomy of an ELF Program

An assembly program usually tries to reflect the binary formats it is targeting. In our case, we target ELF as a format, which is divided in a couple of different sections. We don't need to know about all the special sections for now, but these are the most important ones that you will find in most ELF binaries :

  • The program header table contains meta information about our program.
  • .text section that contains defined methods and the references to them inside our program.
  • .rodata section that contains read-only binary data that cannot be changed.
  • .data section that contains constants , strings and changeable variables .
  • .shstrtab section that represents the section header table (that is the index of everything).

You can read more about the ELF binary format in the official ELF Specification Document .

Syscall Values

The syscall table for the upstream Linux is available in the syscall_64.tbl file for the amd64 architecture. The syscall_32.tbl contains the syscall numbers for the i386 architecture.

  • syscall 1 calls ksys_write(rdi, rsi, rdx)
  • syscall 60 calls exit(rdi)

The anatomy of the ksys_write() function method looks like this and is defined in the fs/read_write.c file :

// From linux/fs/read_write.c
SYSCALL_DEFINE3(write, unsigned int, fd, const char __user *, buf, size_t, count)
	return ksys_write(fd, buf, count);

// which is equivalent to
size_t ksys_write(unsigned int fd, const char *message, size_t message_length);


Registers are small storages inside the CPU that can be processed. They typically contain unsigned integers or references (pointers) to larger data. For example, if a string exceeds the size of a register, it usually is split up onto multiple registers with multiple mov instructions.

Registers are a little more complicated than this, there's general purpose registers and special registers that can only be used for specific instructions or a specific functionality that the CPU provides.

But for now, we stick to the basics and only the registers we need to know about to call the ksys_write() method with our given parameters. Before we know which registers to use, we need to understand how the functions are defined in the C ABI of the kernel.

size_t ksys_write(unsigned int fd, const char *message, size_t message_length);

If we take a look at our syscall method again, we can figure out what kind of registers we need to call it :

  • rax is the temporary register that has to contain the syscall number .
  • rdi is the 1st function argument, representing unsigned int fd .
  • rsi is the 2nd function argument, representing the pointer to const char *message .
  • rdx is the 3rd function argument, representing the message size_t message_length .

The unsigned int fd parameter can have the following values :

  • 0 for stdin or standard input
  • 1 for stdout or standard output
  • 2 for stderr or standard error

Remember these values from bash?

You can redirect a processes standard input, output, and error messages if you redirect them using something like program 1> out.txt 2> err.txt . The file descriptor values 0 , 1 , and 2 represent the same thing here as in our assembly program.

Hello World in NASM

The syntax of a NASM assembly line looks similar to this, where statements inside a square bracket are optional :

[label:] instruction [operands] [; comment]

Our Hello World program is pretty straight forward and doesn't need many registers to work with. For now, our targeted binary format ELF needs only two different sections .

We apply the previously learned knowledge and write our assembly program :

section .data
	msg db "Hello, World!"

section .text
	global _start

	mov rax, 1    ; syscall 1 "ksys_write(rdi, rsi, rdx)"
	mov rdi, 1    ; int 1 for standard output
	mov rsi, msg  ; pointer to message
	mov rdx, 13   ; length of message
	syscall       ; execute syscall stored in rax

	mov rax, 60   ; syscall 60 for "exit(rdi)"
	mov rdi, 0    ; int 0 for exit code
	syscall       ; execute syscall stored in rax

If we compile and run our program, we can see the Hello, World! message :

nasm -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.asm;
ld -o hello.bin hello.o;

chmod +x hello.bin;

Hello World in Go with Syscalls

Now that we know how to do syscalls in C and in asm , we can come full cycle by using our high-level syscall package in go .

package main

import "syscall"

// this is somewhat similar to the data section before
var msg []byte = []byte("Hello, World!")

func main() {
	syscall.Write(1, msg)

It's important that we only use the syscall package for now, so that we can read the generated assembler code.

go build -gcflags=-S hello.go;

If we compile the binary with the above command, it will print out the generated go assembly code. It is different from our x86 / amd64 assembly code, because it uses a different plan9-alike format, but you should be able to understand in principle what happens now.

For example, the output of the syscall.Write(1, msg) line should look similar to this :

0x000e 00014 (/tmp/test/main.go:9)	MOVQ	main.msg(SB), BX
0x0015 00021 (/tmp/test/main.go:9)	MOVQ	main.msg+8(SB), CX
0x001c 00028 (/tmp/test/main.go:9)	MOVQ	main.msg+16(SB), DI
0x0023 00035 (<unknown line number>)	NOP
0x0023 00035 (/usr/lib/go/src/syscall/syscall_unix.go:211)	MOVL	$1, AX
0x0028 00040 (/usr/lib/go/src/syscall/syscall_unix.go:211)	PCDATA	$1, $0
0x0028 00040 (/usr/lib/go/src/syscall/syscall_unix.go:211)	CALL	syscall.write(SB)