Linux Assembly Part 3: Control Flow

Previous article in this series : Linux Assembly Part 2 about Declaring Data

This is the third article in the Linux Assembly series. This time, we will focus on how to do the control flow of our program that we've learned about in the previous article.

Control Flow

Programming languages usually have the ability to use conditions to create code branches via if/else or switch/case or goto statements. This is no different in assembly. The most common way you'll see in programs is the cmp (comparison) instruction.

The cmp instruction compares 2 values, doesn't affect them, and doesn't execute anything that's dependent on the result of that comparison. There is however a conditional jump instruction following it, which allows to jump to different addresses or symbols. Public methods of your program are usually in the symbol hash table so that you can debug a program more easily. What a symbol hash table is, is not important now and we'll learn about that later in this article series.

For now, we'll take a look at this simple (partial) program code written in a C like language and compare it with the equivalent nasm assembly code.

main() {

    if (rax != 1337) {
    } else {

section .text
    global _start

    cmp rax, 1337
    jne .exit
    jmp .do_something_else

    ; do something else in here

    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 0

As we can see, there's different types of jump instructions in assembly. In the above example, the jne (jump not equal) instruction is executed once the preceeding cmp (comparison) instruction fails.

The unconditional jumps are jmp instructions, which in our case reflect the else branch of the program. A typical program has hundreds of these jmp instructions, and typically every helper method or function down the line that's included or imported from a library is another jmp in the program's control flow.

Jump Instructions

As we already know, there's different types of jump instructions available in nasm assembly. Here's a list of those instructions and their meaning/behavior explained.

Instruction Description
JMP jump to label or register
JE jump if equal
JNE jump if not equal
JZ jump if zero
JNZ jump if not zero
JL jump if first operand is lower than second operand
JLE jump if first operand is lower than or equal to second operand
JG jump if first operand is greater than second operand
JGE jump if first operand is greater than or equal to second operand
JA jump if unsigned first operand is greater than unsigned second operand
JAE jump if unsigned first operand is greater than or equal to unsigned second operand

Calculator Program

Now we know everything to be able to understand what the following program in nasm assembly is doing.

global _start

section .data
    ; Define our numbers
    num1: equ 13
    num2: equ 37

    ; Define our messages
    msg1: db "Sum is correct!"
    msg2: db "Sum is incorrect!"

section .text


    mov rax, num1
    mov rbx, num2
    add rax, rbx  ; add(rax, rbx) stores the result in rax

    cmp rax, 50
    je .print_correct
    jmp .print_incorrect


    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, msg1
    mov rdx, 15
    jmp .exit_correct


    mov rax, 1
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, msg2
    mov rdx, 17
    jmp .exit_incorrect

    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 0

    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 1

The calculator program can also be downloaded here . If we compile and run our program, we can see the Sum is correct! message :

nasm -f elf64 -o calculator.o calculator.asm;
ld -o calculator.bin calculator.o;
chmod +x calculator.bin;



The stack is a special region in memory, which operates on the principle of Last In, First Out. This means that the frame in the stack that was added to the queue last will be processed first.

You can visualize this as a physical stack of todos where each new frame will be added on top of the stack, and the processor will take one todo each time from the top of the stack, process it, and write down the results of it. When the bottom of the stack and the last todo is reached, the program is finished.

In order to push things to the stack or pop things off the stack, we need to use our general purpose registers that we learned about in Linux Assembly Part 1 about Syscalls .

The 16 general purpose registers are : RAX , RBX , RCX , RDX , RDI , RSI , RBP , RSP and R8-R15 . These registers can store small amounts of data and can be accessed by all functions, as they are global registers.

global _start

section .text

    mov rax, 1
    call .increment_rax
    cmp rax, 2
    jne exit
    ; Do something

    inc rax

When we call a function, the return address is copied onto the stack and after the end of a function execution, then the address is copied in the RIP register and the program continues its execution from the point where it called the function from.

If we remember the syscall function signature from the first article, we'll also remember that almost if not all syscalls using the same registers as their first arguments. The first six arguments of all functions are passed via registers. If your function has more arguments, they will be passed as stack pointers.

int a_function(int rdi, int rsi, int rdx, int rcx, int r8, int r9 /*, stack pointers ... */) {
    return (rdi + rsi - rdx + rcx - r8 + r9); // well, or something like that

Stack Frames and Stack Pointers

Remember the rbp and rsp registers from the second article in the series? They are special registers that are needed to interact with the stack and its frame offsets.

  • rbp is the Base Pointer and it points to the start of the current frame's position
  • rsp is the Stack Pointer and it points to the end of the current frame's position

Now we also know that the stack consists of so-called stack frames. Each stack frames is limited in its size to 16 bytes and the address values of rsp + 8 are always multiple of 16 . The 128 bytes area beyond the location pointed to by the rsp pointer is a reserved memory zone and is also called the red zone , in it you can store temporary memory that is not persisted across function calls.

The registers rbp , rbx and r12 to r15 belong to the calling function, and the called function is required to preserve their values. A called function must preserve these registers' values for its caller. The remaining registers belong to the called function. If a calling function wants to preserve such a register value across a function call, it must save the value in its local stack frame.

The structure of a Stack Frame with a Base Pointer looks like this :

Position Contents
8 +%rbp return address
0 +%rbp previous%rbpvalue
-8 +%rbp variable size byten
0 +%rsp variable size byte0
-128 +%rsp (temporary) red zone

Additionally, there are two different instructions to interact with the stack :

  • push stores the argument in the stack and increments the rsp stack pointer afterwards
  • pop stores the data in the stack to the argument from a location pointed to by the stack pointer

The important thing to remember is that the push instruction will increment the rsp pointer _after_ the value was stored, which means that rsp - 8 will be the equivalent position of rbp when the push instruction is called.

Stack Program

The following example will explain how stack frames are allocated and when the registers are updated.

section .text
    global _start

    ; set two registers for demonstration
    mov rax, 13
    mov rdx, 37

    ; rax stored at address 0 * 8
    ; increment rsp address to where the value of 13 is
    push rax

    ; rdx stored at address 1 * 8
    ; increment rsp address to where the value of 37 is
    push rdx

    ; set rax to the value of [rsp + 8], which is 13
    mov rax, [rsp + 8]

    cmp rax, 13
    je .success
    jmp .failure

    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 0

    mov rax, 60
    mov rdi, 1

Because the rsp address is incremented after the value is allocated to the stack, the program will have the following values in the stack of the program before it exits :

Start End Contents Frame
8 +rsp rsp 13 1
rsp rbp 37 2

The stack example program can also be downloaded here . If we compile and run our program, it will exit with the exit code 0 .

nasm -f elf64 -o stack.o stack.asm;
ld -o stack.bin stack.o;
chmod +x stack.bin;

echo $?; # output: 0

Function Calls

TODO : Explain call in detail, and EIP and returns